I've been hearing about them as a good thing to do for years but I'm a cynical stick-in-the-mud so it never really took. But of course here I am, committing myself to new things.
So on Monday it seemed like affirmations were the thing. First, I found myself reading about them in this half-joking, actually serious book my brother got me for Christmas, when I was really in need of a buck-up:
Then, later that day they came up as a topic in a meeting I attended. So it was some synchronicity. I tried some. They seem nice. I intend to keep it up. And no, dear reader, I'm not going to share mine with you.
Well, OK, maybe just one:
I read Hal Elrod's Miracle Morning a few months back, and though i'm still working to improve my routines, it follows a pretty good morning routine that includes affirmations (I made my own up too). S.A.V.E.R.S plan every morning. Silence. Affirmations. Visualization. Exercise. Reading. Scribing. Progress is my daily goal.