Monday, May 23, 2016

#91: Can't ... Let ... Blog ... Die

I've killed too many blogs.  Not this time. But I'm really busy right now. Work, family, life ... and right now my writing time is devoted to Step 4. You can Google that if you want, reader.  (Readers?)

In the interim, let this stand as a symbol both of what work I feel I have left I have ahead of me in this project, and of what else I have on my plate:

(Neighbors had an ash tree quit on them.  We reaped the woodchips. Hot diggity.)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

#90: Henry's Seventh Birthday

One of these days I'll crank out a lengthy post about Henry. For now, let's leave it at we love him dearly, we're glad he's here, and he had hisself a disco party.

#89: Not Andrew Zimmern

I am an ardent fan of the long-running, dark, inexplicable, hilarious comic strip Achewood.

There are some fellow fans on Facebook and today somebody started a little thing where we draw a sketch of something without looking at it first.  This was inspired by this thing where a guy from Europe (of course) had people sketch a bicycle without looking, and then he did realistic renderings of bicycles based on the sketches.

The assignments today were a trumpet

and the 5-year-old otter character from Achewood, Philippe (on the right above)

He looks like Andrew Zimmern, ok?

#88: All These Things On One Plate Does Not Make It A Legitimate Meal

Yet here we are. This was part of the spread for a surprise office party at which I was presented with a nationwide award for client service. Yay me! There was also a lot of beer and wine. Yay everyone else! And a 2-liter of Diet Coke which I monopolized. Yay me again!

#87: A House Centipede!

Pete was less thrilled about this critter than about the racer.

Pete's been spitting out his toothbrush water, or just pouring his cup, down the overflow drain in the bathroom sink lately. I've been wanting him to cut it out because he typically misses and makes a little mess.

Well, problem solved last night. When he did it this time, this fellow came skittering out of the drain. Much hopping and screaming followed, but fortunately no nightmares.

#86: A Racer!

This is a guy you don't see very often in western Oregon.  But there's a 3 or 4 footer living at my mother-in-law's house.

Pete thought he was cool, because Pete's my kinda guy.

Friday, May 6, 2016

#85: Eight Things

Here are Eight Things From the Internet I couldn't bring myself to share on Facebook.  Now they are here, together, for the first time ever.


"not sure why i rewrote the copy on the men’s clothing section of the uniqlo website, but i did it. the words are different now."








Life is beautiful.