Tuesday, January 19, 2016

#18: Motorhead Treadmill

At work we are doing a fitness challenge for the new year. You set a personal goal and try to meet it every day for a month. Prizes and all that. Last year I set a goal of 7,500 steps per day and was one of the winners. This year, I'm upping the ante to 10,000 steps a day. Today was day one.

Well, long about 10:15 p.m. after a full day of work, putting the kids to bed, a quiet dinner and an evening meeting, I found myself 2,500 steps short. Crap. Decided I'd hit the treadmill - which has never really been my thing; I'd usually prefer to be outside getting pissed on in almost all weather.

But hey. Bedtime and midnight were both fast approaching. This was no time to suit back up and go back out into the hungry night. No, tonight I needed an indoor speedball. Tonight, it was time for Motorhead Treadmill!

20 minutes and the following songs later, I was over the hump.  Thanks, Lemmy!  R.I.P.

Live To Win

Fast And Loose

(We Are) The Roadcrew

The Chase is Better Than the Catch

Love Me Like a Reptile

Fun postscript:  After I got done and told my wife what I did, she said "Oh yeah, I've been listening to Motorhead on the treadmill, too!"  #ilovemywife


  1. Replies
    1. I want to make a T-shirt. I know I didn't match the fonts up just right, this was a quickie job.
