Friday, January 8, 2016

#6: Personality Test (UPDATE)

I've actually never taken one of these Myers-Briggs Jungian things before.  At the wife's urging, I decided to grab a couple free ones online and see what they had to say.

The first one had just a few questions and allowed you to answer on a five-point scale -- first between opposites (e.g. totally A, mostly A, a bit of both, mostly B or totally B).  Then on a scale of "never" to "always" in answer to another set of questions.

The results?  Well, maybe because I answered right in the middle on so many questions, it couldn't really make up its mind:
  1. Introversion or Extroversion:  dehehehfinitely an introvert.  No surprise there.
  2. Intuitive or Sensing:   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Feeling or Thinking:   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Judging or Perceiving: perceiving.
So, I was one of four possible personality types as far as this test was concerned:   INFP (the "Healer"), INTP (the "Architect"), ISFP (the "Composer"), or ISTP (the "Craftsman").

Four?  FOUR?  Can you see the real me?  Before I threw in the towel to go listen to Quadrophenia, I decided to take another version of the test to see if it could narrow things down.  

This next one didn't brook no wishy-wash answers. It had more questions, your answers to some of which may well contradict others, but for each you just had to pick one of two possibilities.

This one pegged me as:
  1. Introverted
  2. Sensing
  3. Thinking
  4. Perceiving
Yep, a regular old ISTP, that's me:  the Craftsman, Crafter, or Mechanic depending on who you ask. I think it's a pretty apt description.  So now I know, sort of.

UPDATE:  I've added links to the two tests I took (first and second) if you're down.  Feel free to post or discuss your results in comments if that's your bag.


  1. Meyers Briggs is a great test. Years ago I tested several times as an INFP. Which has been quite accurate for the most part I think. But profiles can change over time and at my tender senior age perhaps I should take it again.

  2. Evidently I am ENFP - extroverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiving. Accurate, I guess, but not complete. Where is radioactive?

    1. Also fyi this is Jon. I am WABP. No blogger profile.

  3. ISFP ("Artist") here. I've taken several of these tests and they've been relatively consistent over time. As much as I like to think that I'm a rational person, I've searched my feelings and I know them to be true (thanks Darth)!
